Thanks for your reply and for engaging so thoughtfully with the article. You're right that we are all bound by the system, including politicians, and it's therefore up to everyone to collectively bring about the change we need.
On the subject of capitalism, I was just listening to a really interesting discussion between Jeremy Lent and Manda Scott on the Accidental Gods podcast about why capitalism will never deliver the change we need in order to avoid social and ecological breakdown:
It's well worth a listen! For my part, I'm not suggesting that we should throw out all elements of the current system but I do think we need a fundamental shift away from a system dictated by money, profit, property and consumerism towards one governed by life affirming values (I have previously suggested "Balance, Respect, Cooperation, Hope & Gratitude" whilst Jeremy Lent explores the "4 Rs" that have been identified in many indigenous cultures across the world: "Relationship, Responsibility, Reciprocity & Redistribution)